Why do organisms behave as they do? For instance, these faculty ask how animals interact with each other and with their environment to find and defend resources, avoid predators, choose mates, and care for their young.
Gaelen Burke

Functional and evolutionary genomics of microbial associations with insects; virology, symbiosis, immunity.

Kelly Dyer

Genetic basis of adaptation and speciation in Drosophila.

David Hall

Population genetics and signal evolution in fireflies.

Brendan Hunt

Behavioral and evolutionary genetics and epigenetics of social insects.

Allen Moore

Evolution of behavior expressed in social interactions.

Trish Moore

Mating behavior, reproductive physiology, and nutrition in milkweed bugs.

Kerry Oliver

Evolution and ecology of symbiotic associations between insects and heritable microorganisms.

Kenneth Ross

Evolutionary genetics and behavioral ecology of social insects.

Kathrin Stanger-Hall

Signal evolution in fireflies. Evolution of communication systems.

Michael Strand

Interactions between different types of parasites and their insect hosts. Evolution of cast formation.